nice uh?
its taken just now dinner time.
went to eat at old turf club.
eat steamboat.
im so full now.
its 12.10am now.
feel like staying up and wait for sun to rise.
but cannot.
i scare i fall asleep later during jamming.
Ah talking about jamming.
meeting Navind at Woodlands mart at 11.
then meeting Hakim,sol and zul at Yishun at 11.30.
30mins enough i go Yishun...
i guess.
today morning was rush.
went to meet Vanni for "breadfast"
didnt get to eat.
Yvonne was late.
then went to take neoprints.
nice sia.
i like.
then after that i rush go find BiaoJie.
make hair.
then go eat.
then go home.
then go for dinner.
after dinner went to waterfront and have a look.
waterfront is a perfect location to watch sunrise.
omgawd im so in love with Sunrise.
nice shyt.
kay i suddenly think of my contacts.
i today nearly go blind.
cos i blink then my contacts gone.
it went up.
then i pull down.
and it hurt.
ah i wear till this cannot wear le then i dont buy le.
next month 15.
now Vanni and JiangFei are scared.
cos their relationship is abit shakey.
i know i can help.
and i tried.
hopefully this help Vanni find out how Eugene Wee this person is like.
just finish smsing with him.
and this is what i said.
I: you like to joke huh?hor?Ask vanni to break with JF.They stead you jealous is it? Dont jealous la.Go find one lor.Want destroy ppl's relationship then after awhile tell ppl its joke and ask ppl dont pester you.what crap is this. say what.JF like very what. huh?
EugeneWee:Please la he and her stead i jealous for whAt?lols i at maths class sit so near to me then jiang fei say i sit close to her or get close u think i what all is me ar then somemore i also never joke with her is i joke with poh yee also nor her lols they together i jealous for what?
I:hah!then whats the conver on msn about asking vanni to break with JF for the sake of you not getting hurt?huh?Explain uh.huh.what listen to kor break with him. hah! please la hor.we ppl not so stupid le hor.everytime do wrong thing le then say its joke crap lor hor.
EugeneWee:if she still be with him then she get close to me again i will again get beaten againr they can be together just make sure she or jiang fei don come and find me.
I:if you dont do anything stupid you think they will come find you mah?hor.Go reflect.what ask vanni break.think before you say to prevent yourself from getting hurt. easy as that. everytime you dont think then problem come le then say joke. hah! and two barely touch you. what talking you? why you get hurt.which art of your body gt get hit by JF?-.- think la hor.
EugeneWee.U never at there u don know la Joe go think i get beaten or what u there anot no point talking to u dont mag me any more le mum taking over nb.
time for you to wake up.
read what he said.
he is putting the blame on you.
wake up.