Tuesday, January 11, 2011
its 11-1-11 today.
gonna wait till 11.11pm.
Cos i missed 11.11am.
Well. 11.11am, i was having recess.
waiting for my turn to buy rice.
Now texting with Percival.
He is treating me as a toy.
let it be bah.
too tired to chase over something which shouldnt be.
Today got pissed off twice.
Once by Eugene Wee A.K.A the pig,Faggot.
once by Mum.
But not gonna talk more about it.
if not im gonna be pissed off again.
Today had a good laugh in school.
Nazhifah. Epic laugh.,
(HEHEHE) to the power of :P
kay. gonna end my post here.
Continue tmr or when. :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
back here.
Gonna go jogging tmr.
today went to shopping with mum.
brought 2 new tee.
and 1 long pants.
need to do more sit up to look good in my tee.
brought a elmo iphone cover @ 15 dollars.
newyear new cover. :D
damn. seriously need to slim down.
in this 1 month.
dinner eat lesser.
then exercise more.
>everyday 100 sit up.
50 by 50.
kaykay. i wanna sleep now.
Nights everyone.
Friday, January 7, 2011
im back to blog once again.
and this time for real :P
okay. this photo is the current me.
dont know why but it seems to have some blackblack spots on my face
which i dont really have.
maybe its the effect.
Lets talk about today in BLUE. :D
Morning woke up.
super sleepy.
went out around 7 plus.
Ben smsed me when i was waiting for the lift to come to the 6th floor.
then took 169 which came like 10mins late today
reach school,Check in to Foursquare :D
then go class.
4th floor sia.
straight away from 1st floor jump to 4th floor.
good or what sia.
Sec3 camp in 2 weeks time.
Need my bagpack.
and things need to buy.
after that went to hall.
Yes. went to hall.
VP talk.
i sleep.
almost fall on the floor sleeping.
Miss milhan talk.
i sit super straight
somehow Miss milhan talk very fast.
and loud
after that.
went back to class
Mr Xie.
okay la.
his class quite fun.
POA only need +-x/
but need understand the question.
After POA, English.
3 forms to collect.
thanks to Atikah.
Forms are sorted out. :D
Had food today during recess.
its like finally!!!
After recess. Maths.
DAMN. My 1.1 everything wrong.
its should be times i go plus.
i hope Mr Lee wont kill me.
after school went home.
went out around 6.30 go bugis meet Adrian.
Damn. leg pain. :P
brought Japanese ball to eat.
not nice at all.
then go play DDR
Tmr going Bugis again.
with mum.
OH. im tired. i wanna sleep alr.
Nights. <3