Holaaaaaaaaa. day 4 of chickypoxy le. >< not recovering yet. Tsk. Needa recover faster. omg i wanna attend pinkdot this coming sat leh. omg. ahhhhhhhhhh. so many people going. Tsk. nvm. Okay the photo up there, took it this afternoon before i sneak out with wifey to causeway point, First time sneak out. SNEAK. Not wait, second time. i think. oh well. i just kinda sneak out when i know i am not suppose to go out. But see. i wear long long. :) Went to buy iphone and ipod covers with Wifey then went to get my Macccccc. <3 like so long never eat then miss it. ah. truth, i just want that cup. :X HEHEHEHEH. Anyway, 2 more cups to collect. Wifey say he not sleepy but he is sleeping now. HAHA. cute or what. LOLOL. i brought myself a superman necklace this afternoon. Gonna upload the photo of me with it tmr. :D heh. Chickypoxy yet im taking photos of myself everyday. Hmmmm. just for blog. how awesome could i be? heh. and blogging at weeeeeeee hours. just for readers. -points to master and wifey- Was playing warcraft yesterday night and just now. its like damn fun. ^^ Woooohooooo. addicted. L4D2 is too real for me to play. Cannot take it. i will scare myself even when its not scary. i cover half of my face while playing. SMART bodoh. hah. Okay post till here. Wifey waiting to use the comp nowwwww~ bai~
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Day 4 of chickypoxy.
Holaaaaaaaaa. day 4 of chickypoxy le. >< not recovering yet. Tsk. Needa recover faster. omg i wanna attend pinkdot this coming sat leh. omg. ahhhhhhhhhh. so many people going. Tsk. nvm. Okay the photo up there, took it this afternoon before i sneak out with wifey to causeway point, First time sneak out. SNEAK. Not wait, second time. i think. oh well. i just kinda sneak out when i know i am not suppose to go out. But see. i wear long long. :) Went to buy iphone and ipod covers with Wifey then went to get my Macccccc. <3 like so long never eat then miss it. ah. truth, i just want that cup. :X HEHEHEHEH. Anyway, 2 more cups to collect. Wifey say he not sleepy but he is sleeping now. HAHA. cute or what. LOLOL. i brought myself a superman necklace this afternoon. Gonna upload the photo of me with it tmr. :D heh. Chickypoxy yet im taking photos of myself everyday. Hmmmm. just for blog. how awesome could i be? heh. and blogging at weeeeeeee hours. just for readers. -points to master and wifey- Was playing warcraft yesterday night and just now. its like damn fun. ^^ Woooohooooo. addicted. L4D2 is too real for me to play. Cannot take it. i will scare myself even when its not scary. i cover half of my face while playing. SMART bodoh. hah. Okay post till here. Wifey waiting to use the comp nowwwww~ bai~
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