Hello Everybody, So tired now, 3.09am, just finish studying POA, Tmr got retest! ARGH, Gonna pass it if not i have to drop it. TSK. Anyhow, today went for PizzaHut Rally, Area2. Really boring i would say but know a few more ppl. :) The photo on the top, My card. ^^ Group Pink. Okay, I going to sleep now. Answering these few questions before going off.
1: Are youu ready for 111 questions?yep
2: Was your last relationship a mistake?Nope
3: Do you miss your last relationship?nope
4: Who did you last say "iloveyou" to?LuoGuoHao
5: Do you regret it?no
6: Have you ever been depressed?not really.
7: Are youu a boy or girl?boy.
8: Are you insecure?no
9: What is your relationship status?attached.
10: How do you want to die?Freeze to death.
11: What did you last eat?Seaweed crackers
12: Have you played any sports?bball
13: Do you bite your nails?no
14: When was your last physical fight?Erm, A few days ago with LUO
15: Do you have an attitude? Yep.
16: Do you like someone?yes.
17: What is your real name? Daryl Lim
18: Have you ever read a book?yes
19: Are you gonna get high later?Nope
20: Do youu hate anyone at the moment? Nope
21: Do youu miss someone? Yes
22: Twirl or cut your spagetti?Twirl
23: Do you tan a lot?yes
24: Have any pets?yes
25: How exactly are you feeling? Sleepy.
26: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?yes
27: Ever been checked out?yesh.
28: Would you take any of your exes back?No
29: Are you scared of millipedes?yes
30: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?yes
31: Do you regret anything from your past?yes
32: What are your plans for this weekend?Work.
33: Do you want to have kids?yesh.
34: Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M?no
35: Do you type fast?quite.
36: Do youu have piercings?no
37: Want anymore?more shit.
38: Can youu spell well?well i guess
39: Do youu miss anyone from your past?yea
40: What are you craving right now?Lemon chicky, anything that has nice chicky
41: Ever been to a bonfire party?no
42: Ever been kissed?yesh
43: Have you ever been on a horse?no
44: Kissed someone in a pick up truck?no
45: Have youu ever broken someones heart?yesh, sorry gary.
46: Have youu ever been cheated on?yes
47: Have you ever made a friend cry?yes
48: Are you thinking of someone right now?yes
49: Would you live with someone without marrying them?yep.
50: What should you be doing?sleeping
51: Whats irritating you right now?POA not getting into me.
52: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?no
53: Does somebody love you? YESH.
54: What is your favorite color?Blue,Pink.
55: Have youu ever changed clothes in a car? yesh
56: Milk chocolate or white chocolate?white
57: Do you have trust issues?no
58: Bestfriends name?Vanni
59: 2nd bestfriends name?Amira
60: 3rd bestfriends name?Luo Guo Hao
61: Longest relationship?6th months and counting.
62: Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about youu?Nope,
63: Who was the last person you cried in front of?Luo,
64: Do you give out second chances too easily? Yep.
65: Is it easier to forgive or forget?Forget is easier
66: Is this year the best year of your life?no
67: What was your childhood nickname? -
68: Have youu ever walked outside completley naked?no
69: Favorite food? alot
70: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?yes
71: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?Hug luo
72: Did youu have dream last night?Yep i think
73: What is bothering youu?school
74: Have youu ever been out of state?yea
75: Do you play the wii?nope
76: Are you listening to music right now?yes
77: Do you like chinese food?yes
78: Who are you texting right now?yes
79: Are you afraid of the dark?sometimes
80: Is cheating ever okay?no
81: Are you mean?sometimes
82: Can you keep white shoes clean?yes
83: What year has been your best?1996
84: Do you believe in true God?yes
85: Favorite weather?windy
86: Do you like the snow?yes
87: Does it snow a lot where you live?no
88: Do you like the outside?yes
89: Are you currently bored?nope
90: Do you wanna get married?yes
91: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?yes
92: Are you hungry?nope
93: Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight?no
94: What makes youu happy?Luo,work,Sheena.
95: Would you change your name?yesh
96: Ever been to Alaska?no
97: Ever been to Hawaii?no
98: Do you watch the news?no
99: What's your zodiac sign?aries
100: Do you like subway?nope
101: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?no
102: Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Erm.. okay?
103: Do you talk like your friends?yes
104: Why did you decide to do this quiz?to keep my readers continue reading.
105: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?yes
106: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?yea
107: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?My sis?
108: Do you feel good?yes
109: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?dun hav
110: Favorite lyrics right now?i forget.
111: Can youu count to one million?no