Hohohoho~ Hello everybody, Baby went Genting, 1 day plus le! 3 more than before he come back. Watching Alvin and the chipmunks now, Went to watch Alvin and the chipmunks 3 on Friday with Joshua and baby. It was funny but not really long but okay la. After that went to Play DDR, HUHUH. after so longgggg. HEHE. Guess what, Baby lost his IPod, My tian. IPod, Put in the pocket behind his pants, Who on earth will put something so important at the back of the pants, LUCKY FOR HIM, THEY FOUND IT AND RETURN IT BACK TO US. Like a boohoo and a woohoo. Humans are never as lucky. Anyway. Didnt go to work today, feeling so lazy, No MC or anything. Watch FairyTail like insane, Did i mention, Coco came home le! After 6 months~ YAYNESS. Okay, going off now. BUAIBUAI.
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