The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It ... is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be.
MARIANNE E. NEIFERT, Dr. Mom's Parenting Guide
I've overheard, just overheard. You are gonna kick me out of the house. i know... its a sooner or later. Maybe im just a pest here. Maybe i should leave. Why and what am i waiting for? since everyone at home see me as a outsider. leaving early when i wake up and reaching home late is better for everyone right? You wont get to see this annoying face of mine. Just.. tell me to leave. i'll leave and i wont be back. Trust me. Went out with GuoHao today. Went to some DIY shop. Saw a lady doing up her very own family photo. Standing by one staring at their faces. Trying to pretend that was us inside. Heart hurt so much when i think of it, i start to think. If they are just being piss because of GuoHao coming here to stay and not paying, okay, i'll pay. i just wish for one tight hug from mum again. I got to stop crying, i look pathetic. If i cannot stand up for myself, who will. I feel like doing up a FamilyPhoto too. i just dont have the courage to go towards the printing shop to print the photos when nothing at home is right. Where's my courage? Where's the courage i used to have? im sick and tired of going home everyday looking at their :| face. i miss the period of time when everyone come home with a big :D i guess, i'll never get to see once of these again since they have consider to kick me out of the house. Just say, i'll go.
Family likeness has often a deep sadness in it.
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