morning went to school.
so emo.
told yvonne and jiang fei about it.
they have same feeling too.
vERY painful.
then go back class.
fatin at outside class ask mi cheer up.
i smiled?
go in class was like.
emo-ing there.
then alot ppl.
crowd round.
ask mi to cheer up.
seem like they all know.
then ART.
then maths.
so sian lo.
then break.
more sian.
then english.
mrs salmon was like talking about ADIV.
say we noisy.
wan to separate us.
if separate i tear her mouth apart.
then go dance.
very sian.
then they keep doing wrong.
end lesson.
mr gay.
as the girls to stay.
say wat i love ppl with attitude problem.
i look at guo jie and say sicko.
go back class.
khiarul there.
go in class.
he talk talk.
Izwan hit the table.
i go HAHA?!
then he stare at mi.
then i did my job.
stare back at him.
i won.
the daggers in my eyes!
they rocks.
then have some time in class.
james clean class.
i went home to change P.E
then go back.
took a pic or two.
go eat.
eat Japanese food.
fatin wan eat.
giv eat.
nice huh?!
then go badminton.
so sian.
then go gym.
almost 4 go find AV at CD corner.
they do the CD board.
fun fun fun.
we played with water.
vanni spilt water on mi.
then there was a box.
zakiyah wear it.
then vanni and zakiyah was chasing.
azyzah and amira.
then near our class got a cockroach.
zakiyah like boost energy.
then come back.
i laugh like hell.
i think of if zakiyah wear the box and run.
she will become mr krab.
laugh til lstomach pain.
cant stop.
then talk talk abit.
then play play water.
then a part which make mi go crazy.
crazy after thinking of something.
ADIV was planning to die.
then i say.
no die go hospital.
leg hang there.
neck injure.
then talk to azyzah must like.
laugh like sicko.
then say salmon.
water bed.
then normally chers walk around.
then chers with 2 leg injure use the bed walk around.
by the time she walk here.
we no talk lo.
aiya here say not funny.
must hear real one.
then zakiyah went home.
vanni tried to wear the box.
cant wear.
one hand short one hand long.
then she go cut.
here goes the pics.
then vanni act nerd.
suddenly ADV act emo.
here we go again.
ok then we laughed laughed laughed.
till 6.
vanni and azyzah go dancing.
heres wat you might not wan to miss.
oh ya.
we got a group pic.
ok guys till here.
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