Never thought that this would happen but it really did. ♥
hello everybody. i am VERYVERY tired now. after i blog. im gonna sleep. Trust me. morning too lazy to make nugget for school so went to bath and went out.Reach school feeling so sweaty. @.@ After the class door is open i went in to listen to music. everything in the class is dark. awesome.slowly when people come in the class become very bright. Listened RDR and Genie with Vanni, && MR TAXI! ♥ FT was Boring. Maths was okay. Phy was shit.Recess is homework plus japanese food. English was sleepy. PE just stay in class and watch DespicableMe. cute sia the millions. MT pass very fast. Chem was awesome. i became a Chem teacher and teach Jane. she damn cute sia. i talk to her in English,she talk to me in Chinese.She dont understand the chem thing then i teach till she understand! Molar molar. ♥ After that. went to RP for 2.4. THATS WHEN I GOT VERY TIRED. Zimin cried. almost all Chinese dancer cried because they got silver instead of Gold. come on. Silver is better than nothing. Cheer up yo! ^^ 2.4 is so fuck. but i won jesselyn and Ben. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. fuckyeah. ♥♥♥ okay im out. bye!
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