i woke up at 3.45am just to go to the toilet and puke. how awesome. I was dreaming about the party. then suddenly feel like puking. i tot it was in the dream. so in my dream i went like. go take plastic bag! in fact, its real life. i woke up suddenly and go to the toilet. Suddenly everything came out. Gross x1000000000000000000000 it came out from my mouth and nose. GOSH. This is like first time in my Secondary school life. Never thought that i would puke till like that. I wash the floor, my mouth and nose. then walk back to my room. Took up my phone. JiaRen msn me. i didnt care and went to facebook.Post that i just puke. how awesome. LOL. Wanted to go Twitter but too tired. so went back to sleep.Gonna start studying later at 3.30. so sian sio. see books. i want to die.hah. kaybye!
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