ALOHA people. So dead. Maths paper1 make me die le. :( To add on, SS. == total nightmare. SS, revise from yesterday night wrote a whole lot of notes and wake up at 5 to revise till i found out that its thurs today. so went to take a short nap. then wake up at 7.20. went to prepare and went to school. Start SS at 8.45. i see the first few question i want faint le. then last part. i took the healthcare part. i write a lot for Singapore healthcare then britain healthcare,13 marks, i write very little. ARGH. depressed! after SS. sit outside the hall and wait for Maths paper1. Paper1 starts at 11 and end at 1. 2 hours of maths makes me go a bit hirewire but oh well. hah. i am soo dead lo. i have totally no idea how to do. TMD. just go and die please.== i dont like maths and i dont want take maths, argh. this is just paper 1. paper 2 coming up somemore with Geo paper together. seriously just go and die. SS and maths. two must rmb a lot of things. then now Geo and paper 2. argh. my brain like dying sia.After paper1. i and Justin sit at the stairs while waiting for Vanni. see so many people with their depressed face.. :( sadden. Also asked James after exam want to go swimming or not. he say okay. :) so long never talk to him le. After Vanni came. we went to slack like some happy kid that have finish all of our exams. == Justin followed. this is the first time oh. after go cwp etcetc. went back to school. Laughed like some mad idiot cause of wary. damn epic. me,justin,eelin,fiona,vanni,kaiqi. laugh like some shyt. HAHAHAHA. first time see Eelin laugh till like that.then at piano corner. Wary so epic. making a fool of herself. fall from stairs. make me laugh till want die.== then mary ow come extra.== After that go home. so tired now. no mood to do POA. just wanna sleep. HMMMMMMMMMM. okay im gonna sleep. Muawhah. wokaybye people. Mum driving me to school tmr! yayness. ^^
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