Hello people! i am doing a quick post. might be long but whatever it is. Hah. this post is being ordered by Salina to post cause this morning she ask why i so long no post. NAH! here you are,salina. haha. Like always, only wanna see your name appear on my post. haha. SALINA salina salina. okay? happy? haha.oh man. its 10.21 i am suppose to do my cheena file later on. Recently i've been going to swim. Because tanned! happy. the whole June holiday, going to swim like 2 or 3 times a week with my sister or friends. Depends. i wanna be more tanned! i look better being tan rather than being like a white chicken. its so gross to have supa white skin. i dont like. haha. My Picture up there, i downloaded a new camera app in my phone, i kinda like the effect, hehe. looks good. i am gonna take more soon kay. hah. now no time take, if not i will take.Anyway. 18June, 5pm at Hong Lim park,join me and some other for The PinkDotSG. It is to let singaporean be more open to Les,Bisexual, Gay and Transexual because everybody is worth the love. You dont have to be ashame of yourself. LBGT should be accepted in this society. because everybody deserve to be love in any form. Join me and celebrate love. Rmb to wear Pink top! lets create a biggest PinkDot in singapore. Okay, after PinkDot, next. errr. Results. Oh yes. idk if i post about the Mid Year exams. It was still okay, got my Chinese, English, Maths, Chem and phy paper today. My english ah, idk why CMI. Haiz. i need to read more during this coming june holidays. i am gonna buy storybooks. those interesting ones. Heh.chinese, Read more newspaper? Maths, as usual only can practise practise practise. no choice. chem. i a lot of careless mistake. HMMM. must take note. Phy. not bad. need to work more on it. :) Phy is the paper that i did not study for and so far the highest. i forgot the marks but will update ASAP alright. WOOO. my short post quite long right? hah. yes, -insertname- text me sia. like so sudden. but whatever it is. i am a happy bird. ^^ This post. i also wanna bitch about some people. lets go with a habbo Guy who wants the world to understand what he is going thru when he dont wanna say it. SMART EH? you dont want say, like as if people will understand like that. please la hor, want people to understand then say it, dont vent your anger on someone else. Eelin so innocent,you go scold her for what? dont step one emo kay? #FAILBOI1996 == Next, Maple freak. woah. now bigbang come out liao. dont expect -insertname- to text me that often. stop maple freak. how old liao still chiong maple like no life like that. tmd. tsk. okay. after bitching about people, wait. why am i typing so fast? ._. okay. i rmb i got file to do. next, this weekend, Sending coco off. It should be yesterday but the person isnt free. so i have more time with coco. tmr after school. gonna head home and help coco have a good bath. the last one. >< i will miss coco but sadly i have no time for her. Sorry uh coco. love you a lot o. okay. i think thats it from me today. i wanna go do file le. OKAYBYE PEOPLE. ♥
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