Hello everyyonee. Damn. see the picture up there? the four slut bitches? such low life. we shall talk about them today. apparently on facebook. they had this video of the girls cutting an other girl's hair. when i watch the video. trust me. how i wish i could go over and get them a piece of my mind. They failed as a human being. Top left hand side. Step chio. VERY FAIL. That face just make me wanna slap it. ^^. next, Top right hand side. WOAH THIS ONE MORE FAIL.LOOK AT ME i am so cool. Go and die please==. so poor till no place to take picture but take in toilet. poor thing. something with a tie. eh. becareful dont later tie too high then die. i laugh. got lolipop in your mouth too. man. thats so ugly! Your head so small. got fringe no fringe still same. like one fail idiot. okay. next! the bottom left. OMGAWD! STEP CUTE BODOH! oh. look at me. im so cute. -peace- You also go die please. Face so black. like some dog. HAHAHAHAHA. Seriously ugly. smile also dont know how. smile like some fail shyt retarded idiot. FAIL PLEASE. go buy SK2 la. so black. so ugly. tsk tsk tsk.. AH LAST ONE, Look at my "pretty" face. another pretty face with ugly attitude. to sum it up, with your pretty face, and your ugly attitude. you're one bitch that the world hate. get it? i cant get to see what is written in the middle but i see a lot of "!" If i were there. trust me. i will make sure this three girls go botak. SERIOUSLY. i dont give a damn if i get caught or whatever shyt. i make sure they go botak. give them a couple of bitchslap. i bet they are so ugly with no hair. HAHAHaHAHA. no wait. they are already ugly with or without hair. okay. im gonna go study for phy tmr. ARGH. MR SEE TEACH I DONT UNDERSTAND A SINGLE THING. SERIOUSLY. wokay bye. if i fail my phy. all because Mr see. ARGH. okaybye
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