Friday, June 22, 2012

50 Secrets about Daryl Sky

Heres 50 secret about me. -Be honest no matter what! [ONE] Who was your last text from? : Bryan [TWO] Where was your default pic taken? : home. [THREE] How was your day today? : Not productive. [FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend? : fuckinghell yes. :( [FIVE] What's your brother's name(s)? : - [SIX] Where do wish you were right now? : Right next to you. [SEVEN] Ever had a near death experience? : Nope. not yet. [EIGHT] Something you do a lot? : sms , facebook, twitter, singing [NINE] Angry at anyone? : Er. wanted to but i cant. :( [TEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like? : Rejection. [ELEVEN] When was the last time you cried and why? : 22-06 morning around 2am. laugh till i cry. Caribbean berry. [TWELVE] Is there anyone you would do anything for? : yes [THIRTEEN] What do you think about when you are falling asleep? : SLEEP DUHHHHHH. YOU DONT SAY. [FOURTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? : WAWA, (my sister.) [FIFTEEN] What are you doing right now? : Killing brain cells. HOW BOUT THAT YO. [SIXTEEN] Do you trust anyone right now? : yes [SEVENTEEN] Where did you get the shirt your wearing? : I GOT IT FROM RIVERSIDE SECONDARY SCHOOL. [EIGHTEEN] Have you hugged someone in the past week? : NO. WANTED TO. [NINETEEN] Describe your life at the moment in two words? : Fuck Myself. :) [TWENTY] What are you thinking about at the moment? : Whether that guy will be safe or not. [TWENTY-ONE] What should you be doing right now? : Eating dinner. [TWENTY-TWO] Who was the last person who gave you a hug? When? : My dog, 1 or 2weeks back. [TWENTY -THREE] Who was the last person who yelled at you? : My sister. [TWENTY-FOUR] What is your natural hair colour? : BLACK [TWENTY-FIVE] Who was the last person to make you laugh? : My sister. [TWENTY-SIX] Who was the last person to make you mad? : so long liao ! never go remember [= [TWENTY-SEVEN] What animals do you have? : my house got 2Dog,1chicken,1mouse,1rabbit,1snake,1cow. [TWENTY-EIGHT] Is your hair curly or straight? : Curly. :( [TWENTY-NINE] Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days? : nope. [THIRTY] Do you use smiley faces on the computer? : Yesss. [THIRTY-ONE] Thinking of someone right now? : yes. [THIRTY-TWO] Are you happy with life right now? : nope. [THIRTY-THREE] Are you currently jealous? : guess so. [THIRTY-FOUR] What were you doing Friday night? : Sitting here doing this while waiting for texts. [THIRTY-FIVE] Have you ever had your heart broken? : ABSOLUTELY [THIRTY-SIX] Have you ever broken someone's heart? : GOT =[ [THIRTY-SEVEN] Is there anybody you're really disappointed with? : kinda, only abit ! [THIRTY-EIGHT] Last person you saw? : er. Bryan. [THIRTY-NINE] How late did you stay up last night and why? : 5 plus and thinking of random things. [FOURTY] Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? : got [FOURTY-ONE] Have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? : YES ! :( [FOURTY-TWO] What's your three favourite colour? : red, blue,green. [FOURTY-THREE] You prefer hugs or kisses? : both please. [FOURTY-FOUR] Do you believe in: Yourself? : not really ! Miracles? : YES Heaven? : no, but i believe in heaven & earth green tea ~ Santa Claus? : yes. Kiss on the first date? : yes Angels? : yes [FOURTY-FIVE] What's your nickname(s): : PIG. [FOURTY-SIX] What's your Zodiac sign? : Mouse [FOURTY-SEVEN] What's your height? : 173 cm. [FOURTY-EIGHT] What are you listening to right now? : Electric shock-F(x) [FOURTY-NINE] Are you currently in love? : guess so. [FIFTY] What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? : as long as feelings is right ... and everything is right thats all !

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