Well Hello hello there my readers. Sorry for not blogging for a long period of time and now i am back blogging just a day before my exams tomorrow. My final exam for this sem. Events Panning logistics, just by the name, you should have know that its a very boring paper because of all those logistics stuff i have to remember but oh well. Tomorrow shall be the day where it all ends. One month holidays come next and gonna try work as much as i can to earn a big amount of money so i can save and spend in case of emergency. Been long since the last time i blog, Lots of feelings been kept inside. Now i guess i can let it all out. Right, so as much as i would not like to say this but i feel a little annoyed when i ask people out and they NEVER fail to turn me down. NEVER fail. Maybe out of 10 times i ask them out 12 times they turn me down. Y'all know the feeling yeah, You cannot say anything else except, "Nevermind, Next Time." It's always annoying to be turned down but as humans, you will tend to get used to it and eventually forget it. You won't want to ask the same person again because you know deep inside that you're gonna be turned down again. So to avoid feeling disappointed and pissed off and annoyed and whatever negative feelings you will feel then,better to not ask them again. This year has been something, without knowing today is already the first of September. Exactly 9 months ago, i was with a guy i thought is the right one but then, nope doesn't seem like it. Now, i feel so scared to be very close with someone just in case they fall for me, especially when i don't feel same towards them. I don't know whether i am sending them a wrong signal cause when i fall for someone else and you obviously want to share that happy feeling with your close friend however, your close friend feel hurt and tries to change you with all those flashback. Yes i know we have been through a lot together but please, we have made it clear that we will never be up to the standard of being a couple. With me having a partner doesn't mean i will forget you or i will totally replace you. There's nothing to be worry about just that i am attached to someone else but i am still your close friend. I think its quite obvious when i am set for my target, i will work towards it. No matter whatever you say that tries to change my mind, it won't work. Lastly, MONEY PROBLEMS. Again, how i wish money can just grow on the trees. I seriously need to work on keeping cash in my wallet and not waste any more money on stuff that is wasting it. I need to start thinking of the hours i need to work in order to earn that amount of money. I need to. Sighpie. Money money, grow on those damn trees for me to pluck.
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