Monday, September 10, 2012

Dog lovers.

After watching this video, i feel that, As a Singaporean, We are always being told to care for Animals, stop animal abuse. We care for animal, we love animals and we need them to keep us company. Sometimes we got to work or study for long hours a days and having a dog at home or a pet at home allow us to relax, and play with. However what i don't understand why aren't we allowed to keep two dogs in our premises. If the dog is causing a lot of noise or trouble to the neighbour , i can understand that but in this video, they do things that are not a real trouble or noise to the neighbour. Unfriendly neighbour. This old man in this video tried to apply for the two dogs to stay with him but always got rejected and even asked to send the dog to SPCA. No offense but this is what our society is turning into? Heartless? Have we as humans or authority think about how the dog would feel? They have feelings as well, its just that they are not able to express it in form of words. That doesn't give us the rights to decide where and how they are going to live. Its not only this uncle that experience this problem, there are many more other people that have this problem as well, Not only keeping 2 dogs but breeds that are not suitable for HDB. Other than sending them to SPCA, it seems like there isn't any better to cure this problem. In this video, the uncle is sick and his days are limited can't the government give him special rights to let his dogs stay by him? WHAT ON EARTH HAS OUR SOCIETY BECOME?! thats the biggest question. Its funny how our government want us to stop animal abuse and love animals more by giving talks from Primary school. After we start learning to love animals now they are asking us to send them to SPCA because the law don't allow. Law are dead, People are alive. Where is our conscious? I am not blaming this on the government, i talking about us, human in general. Sending dogs that stayed with us for most of their life, they already treat the place they stay in as their home. They love and care for us, just like our parents did. Sending our dogs away are just as similar as sending your parents to the old folks home. Would you live in regret for the rest of your life because you are asked to send your dog away? By sending them away, its not easy. i done that, it hurts a lot. The moment where you have to let your dog down on the floor, allow the staff to take over. it hurts. I was standing outside of the office, looking at my poor dog walking in into the space assigned, it hurts. It feels as if my dog is screaming at me, WHY! WHY ARE YOU TREATING ME LIKE THIS WHEN I LOVE AND CARE SO MUCH FOR YOU. It hurts. Are we already too concentrated on improving our living condition that we turn immune to feelings around us?

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