Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Hello everybody!! Yes, judging from my Post title, you should know what i wanna post for today! Yep, i got my N level results. In case the photo is not clear enough, i got Grade 3 for English, Grade 2 for Combined humanities. Grade 1 for Maths. Grade 4 for Science, chemistry and Physics. Grade 3 for POA. Grade 2 for Chinese and last, DISTINCTION for Chinese Oral. So for NA students, like me. English, Maths and Best 3 subjects i will get 11 points. I applied for ITE. I applied Event management, which is located at AMK campus , Leisure and Travel Operations and Hospitality Operations both located at CCK campus and lastly Banking which is at AMK too. When i read the book that i received,i am kinda interested in taking up volleyball, i am always amazed at Volleyball players. i cross my finger and hope i get the course i want. EVENT MANAGEMENT PLEASE!~
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
12th December 2012
Hola amigos! ( Hello Friends ) ! i spent the most amazing day, 12 of December 2012 with two of the most amazing ladies. No other than the one you see in the photo, Azmirah and HuiYun. we went for singing session at Partyworld. PartyWorld isn't the place to sing actually, the mic is really awful and the song selection controller is really bad as well. However, we spent 3 hours inside! Next time i recommend going to the KBox at cineleisure, it is freaking awesome with buffet while you sing. There's Sashimi! Its holy. Anyway, we went back to Northpoint to have dinner, ThaiExpress for dinner, wanted to disturb YeeMing but shit, she isnt working. Still had lots of fun while eating, I am so broke.. Getting results back soon too, gonna start finding a job once i get my Results. Maybe i should try the zoo. Hmmm.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Christmas Present.
It's Christmas soon and i haven't prepare things for people, But im gonna do that soon! There are quite a few people who i need to get the gifts for. It might not be expensive but its gonna be meaningful. It might not be big but its memories. It might not be amazing but i hope it will be, one day. There are many moments which i had think of doing this present but im always lack of cash and items. This time, i hope. i can get the items on time so i can finish everything by Christmas. Starting to collect items every now and then. Hopefully there will be enough time. Every moment is precious, Every gift is gold, Every hug mean a lot, Every text is about knowing each other more. Prepare to get my gifts. And Gary, Soon, i will have to meet you up soon. I'm not sure whether i'm able to hold my tears when i see you but, i'll try my best not to cry.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Best Day Of The Week!
I'm gonna do a quick post and i am off to sleep. Here goes, I swear today is my best day ever for this week! After craving for Sashimi for weeks now so finally went to have Sakae Sushi with Kira. Had a lot of Sashimi, for 26.90 that much sashimi is really worth it. During lunch we talked a lot about different things and i start to understand him more, i swear he's one cute guy. Then after lunch went to cineleisure to watch the Rise of the Guardians. This show is super awesomely cute! The next show i want to watch would be another cartoon movie. i forgot the name of it. In the movies, somehow I held his hands. I don't remember how, but we end up locking our hands together. It has been... 6 months or more since i held someone's hand in the movies. It add more meaning to the movie, somehow. Maybe thats what made today really the best day of the week! Hope to see him soon.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
4th year Anniversary.
Hello hello everybody, As seen from the title of this post, this blog of mine is officially 4 year old. Back then in 2008 , 29 november, i can't believe that i actually started a blog and type out what i really felt although its really dumb back then. i was 12 so what do you expect from a 12 year old. The way i used to type is far different from how i type now. i used to typed like some weird shortcuts for example. juz , mi , euu . now that i see it, in my mind im cursing myself and laughing at how my grammar used to be like and the choice of words i used.Anyway, thank you readers for following me through this 4 years! i'll continue blogging! :D LOTS OF LOVE <3 br="br">3>
Can i love you?
All i can say was, im enchanted to meet you.. If not for me who started the chat at Jackd, we wouldn't be talking now and we weren't be meeting each other. I heard a lot about you from other people and my impression of you is really awful but like people say, "Don't judge unless you know the person , Personally." After meeting you 3 times, i start to feel that you're that bad like what they say. Now i choose to believe you instead of listening to what others say about you.. I had a really bad day today, starting from the morning. I swear i hate when someone calls me when im sleeping and start asking me questions like as if i am a criminal or something. Yeah, i mean it. it really happened to me this morning. i would normally wake up around 8 am to remove the charger of my phone and place the phone next to my pillow. The phone rang, i thought it was ThaiExpress called but guess who. Sky.. yep, surprising isn't it? I thought he was gonna ask me out or something but turns out that he asked me where was i doing last night and where were i and why did i ask Kira to lie to him that i wasn't at kira's house. in my mind i was like, dafug, you called me early in the morning to ask me such things and go and be really angry about it. I was looking forward to going over to Sky's house and stay over but now... Not anymore. I didn't wanna quarrel with him, not even a bit. I thought everything will turn back to normal once he cools down, and guess what? i cannot take it when people get so sensitive that they go Facebook, click on my profile. click on block and delete. If because of me lying to you that i wasn't at Kira's house cause you to go all the way to block and delete me then its on, A full range war. And For your information, i do not accept Friend Request two times from the same person, If you deleted me , UNLESS, you got a VALID reason you will forever be the stranger on Facebook. The later part was even more interesting, I admitted i was wrong to ask kira to lie to sky, yes i did. and i was really tired of all these drama for the whole day so i decided to ask for a break so i could rest and i sound mean when i said they he spoilt my day. I mean whose day won't be ruin when you wake up by a phone call that make you feel as if you're a criminal? Later part, he cooled down and realise its a small issue. God, i was with An Qi at Orchard and i literally burst out laughing. Small issue, really.. small issue will cause you to delete and block me on Facebook. how small. :) isn't it funny? Okay enough of that. I spent 80 dollars on An Qi. For some reason i decided to get her a 80 bucks eye shadow for Christmas, but it was well-spent because i know she's gonna use it ! can't wait for the 11th nov onwards. Currently i'm already starting to feel the urge to see you everyday, it feels really odd. Sagittarius and Aries. FIRE.
Please don't be in love with someone else..
Please don't have somebody waiting on you..
Please don't be in love with someone else..
Please don't have somebody waiting on you..
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
YOU screwed up.Not me.
Just came home from Kira's house. I spent... 8 hours with him at his house accompanying him while he does his report for his school work. I'm amazed at all those things he have to type and really think of. What made us think a lot is when it comes to the Stage's area,length and width. In between we did watch some videos but most of it was about Lady Gaga and Madonna. I guess staying too long with him will make me a Little monster and maybe a Madonna fan. Suppose to leave at 9pm because his mum is coming home but i dont know why i dont feel like leaving his place so i unknowingly stayed. His mum came home and hell i'm surprised how young his mum look, like 30? but she is actually over 40. When i met him, i was at the worst stage of my look, i swear because i went swimming in the morning with Alvin. Anyway what really made me pissed off today was the manager from ThaiExpress. I mean seriously, who gives a schedule to a staff like.. 11am - not confirmed time. HELLO?! i am not your extra you know? You dont call me to go and i go and stuff. Please. You had your two new full-timer and when they are not willingly to work anymore you want me back? really? i gave you my schedule last week, you didnt even bother to tell me what time will i be working last week. This week you asked for my schedule and i did give it to you and look what shit i got from you again. Seriously. Its not that i wanna speak bad about you but seriously dont think that you're hell good with the Area Manager so you can do whatever you want. NO. i wanted to go to the outlet to tell you but really.. i find no point wasting my ezlink card.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
A Special Post for the things in my WishList.
There will be a update every month on my WishList.
So don't miss out!
Lets go...
- A new bag, ( A big bag with a world map design, i found it.)
- A new phone, (preferably a S3/Note2.)
- An IPad, (price is a bit high but reasonable)
- New clothes, (Gonna go shopping once i got my pay!)
- New Shoes, ( I really need shoes)
Friday, November 23, 2012
Would you still love?
Hello everybody, Today's Post title got nothing to do with what im posting today, so please bear with me. Just came back from Genting 2 days ago. Time really flies when you're having fun, spent 3 days in genting with my family and 2 important friend in my life. It was what i called the truly awesome trip. I felt as if there is no restriction, no limit to whatever there is. Playing the rides there was the best part even though most of the time was spent waiting and standing in the queue. It felt really awesome, screamed and shouted at the top of my voice. It was cold and chilly there and how i wish i stayed there forever but got to return to Singapore. I could really feel the pace different when im in Malaysia and when im back here in Singapore. Back in Malaysia, everyone do things slowly and really take their time to think and they hardly rush, their pace of life is a little slower. however back here in Singapore, everything is about time time and time. Rushing everywhere. Going on to the Train, buying a cup of water, looking for a seat. Everything is about time and rush. Today i spent my day doing completely nothing. Laying on my bed for the whole day using the computer. So i happened to hop to this Gmarket page selling this bag. I WAS AMAZED BY HOW BEAUTIFUL IT LOOKED. I am really tempted to get this bag. its so amazingly cool. Im still wondering when will my pay be in so i can get this bag! Any comments about this bag? Leave your comments or text me!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Happy sweet 16!
Hello Everybody, its 15/11/12. Its Azmirah's birthday! This blogpost is dedicated to you, Azmirah! You have finally turned 16. FINALLY. i hope you enjoy your birthday and hopefully my sister recover by sunday and we can go for our Genting trip on Monday! CHEERS! :D
Monday, November 12, 2012
Time like this.
Sometimes, trying too hard to force out a smile is really really difficult. My sister got admitted to KK Hospital today because she got some infection and was put on drip. Heart pain when i see her suffering, its just too much pain on one girl. Going over every night to stay there with her, really, at a time like this, i hope someone is really there for me. Someone.. i can hug and tell me everything will be alright. Sent my sister a Get Well Soon sms, even with her needles on her hands, she still replied. "Thank kor", Just this two simple words, it made me cried. I feel horrible, I would rather be in place of her suffering all these. seeing her suffer so much and i dont even know what to do. Hope that by taking photos of coco and sending her a get well soon message everyday will give her strength and power to really recover properly. After discharge, she's gonna go over to my aunt's house to stay. Suddenly, i think to myself. What really happen to my family. Why all these trouble. Everyone is just too busy for their own stuff and totally forget about others. Feeling so down. I dont open to everyone so please, if you're reading this and you tried to talk to me and i didnt really give you a good reply, please understand.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Life and death
Just had a long day out with AnQi, went to AFA at expo to look around. It's my first time going there and well ya know AFA = anime = Japan = Japanese style. So I decided to try on a shirt I got last year at Bangkok. Surprising I am able to wear that shirt. According to myself, I think I fare not too bad to be a Japanese student. Was super amazed by people with their swords while they exited the hall. I am super tempted to get one on my own. Thanks to the time we had over there I made up my mind to get one sword. Which is 10 bucks. Not too bad for a long sword. AnQi got hers at 30 bucks. Not too bad. Pretty too. Then after went to the airport to take 858 to Khatib to look for my mum and to attend to a funeral. Well, after attending that funeral. I realise how short life is. And how precious it is. It's between life and death. We only live once so why not do everything we can when we are still alive. Better than regretting once we are out of this world. I am thinking. Why is there such thing as death. Why can't human live forever? Food for thoughts.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Hello everybody, once again. Didn't post for quite long but! I'm back... For now. With this comeback, I realise I haven't take photos for like weeks. I mean solo shots. So today, I manage to get a few of my solo shots, wearing my uniform. Well, I think it's rather okay. I totally need to get an iPod / phone with front camera. Now that I think about it. I rather get an iPod than and iPad. iPad cost me a bomb but its so beautiful! I can't decide but we shall see how it goes. Can't wait for genting trip next next week. Thinking about it just makes me excited. Very excited. I'm only able to work one day next week. Taking off for Monday because I got another interview at orchard Sephora. Tuesday. It's public holiday. Since there's no double pay or whatever not, I decide not to work on that day as well. Gonna go swimming with my family! A major YAY. Wednesday I'm totally free so I think I shall work from 11-6 avoid the night crowd. Thursday, AZMIRAH's BIRTHDAY. Wooohooo! ^^ need to go to her house to celebrate with her family along with HuiYun. Then on Friday, there's KPOP DANCE OFF! So I decided. Once again not to work. :) Saturday and Sunday, I got nothing on but I don't feel like working either. XD I just plan my whole week here. Interesting isn't it. Here's the photo!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Trouble at work.
I'm having trouble at work. I dislike my manager. Yes, I mean really dislike. Reason? Here's two of the reasons. Or maybe there's more. 1) I asked about HuiYun giving her the timing for the week an if her pay will still be in if she stop working. She gave me some attitude which is totally not needed. 2) I gave her my timing to work, 8-10 hours per day, I really need money. She reduce it to 5 hours or even 6 hours. I mean, come on?! Seriously? I'm willing to work more for the sake of earning more. Argh. And, I hate working with People who can't speak English. I feel that there will be some kind of barrel between us, it's super hard to communicate. I mean it. Super hard. I didn't have the mood to talk to her today. I gave her attitude. I. Don't. Give. A. Shit. Whether. You're. The. Manager. Or. Not. You. Want. Respect? Earn. It. I don't give respect to people like I'm giving out sweets. If you think you deserve my respect then jolly well prove it. Don't come and act tough and think that I'll respect you for that, NOFUCKINGWAY. I repeat. NoFuckingWay. If you think I'm happy working there, think again. I'm going to find a better job and leave for good. What's more the food ain't as nice, 12 dollars per hour for public holiday? What a lie. You mean 12/2? -_-
Friday, November 2, 2012
I'm finally home after a Long day. I really mean LONG day. It's probably the day that I would never forget. I guess I really did lose some weight after today. Well, hopefully I did uh. Went swimming in the morning with Azmirah huiyun and my sister at jurong west. The jurong east's wave pool isn't ready yet, I guess so we went to jurong west. I really got darker after that swim. I was just sitting at the Jacuzzi facing the sun and... Sleeping. Yes, I was sleeping. Didn't really slept last night because we were at Azmirah house. Even Azmirah is sleeping in the jacuzzi. We are. INSANE. But it's awesome sleeping in the water. Makes your body feel calm and relaxed. Was thinking a lot in the water while sleeping. Let me repeat, WHILE SLEEPING. Yes, I got no idea how I did it. I was thinking of Leonard, hoping that he is alright. He's having bad headache Everynight. Really wish to meet him soon so I can give him a real long and tight hug. But it's gonna be a few months later. Left the pool around 3.30 and headed to scape. My phone was dead the whole day, but I manage to receive a few smses. One from Guohao saying he's not coming for dance off because of his school, ohwell, didn't really matter to me after all he's there mainly to see Edwin and Edwin's bf. so I didn't bothe much. I'm so glad that I did not bad for dance off today. I heed my mum's advice of not be like soulless while dancing. I tried my best, I hope after I watch the videos I can improve more. FIGHTING EVERYBODEHHHH!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tell me.
Tell me how would you feel when someone you like constantly tell you that he/she wants to flirt with your ex? Or rather make friends with them? I mean what are you trying to imply? If you're doing things you think it's right then do it by all means. I won't stop you. I won't even disturb you. Who am I to even do that in the first place. Someone answer me this. If your crush says that he wants to flirt with your ex and he ask if you would get jealous, what would you say? I said why would I get jealous but I'm killing my ex in my brain million times. I know, I suck alright I am million times more lousier than my ex. If you are so god damn interested in my ex then just go for it. I won't disturb you two. Just. Leave.
Getting sick of thaiexpress, gonna quit it soon. It's just not the type if job that suits me. I want to try changing from F&B to retail jobs, maybe those that sells clothes. Maybe then I got staff discount I can buy more clothes. Okay, once I got to use a computer, I want to try emailing Nike or others that I can try out. Gonna try, no experience but I hope it's possible.
Monday, October 29, 2012
I'm sorry for being a burden. Maybe I should leave you alone. Wander around like a lifeless soul. Sorry to make you worry. There is nothing to worry about, you got many more things to worry and decide for. I just one burden there on your back again for you to carry. I'm sorry for being a burden.
I feel as if I just got stab in my heart, million times. I feel so so so bad right now I can literally cry out a river. A happy conversation end up like this.
I'm home after a long day of work and something else! time to rest~ went back NYP in the afternoon to find Alvin. It's so hard to step foot back into NYP. All the memories are all there. Went to alvin's club room and watch sword art online. An anime series that just started I think. Looks cool to me! I'm gonna watch it when I fix my comp! >< now the comp is still the state of hopeless effect. Haven't been using the comp for 1 month but i got my phone which is a good thing. :) I got my work timing already, totally upset by the timing the manager gave me. Expect me to work 3 hours on a wed. Like hello? At least fulfil my 8 hours per day uh. I don't mind working 8 hours per day. I can earn near 1000 a month if I work 8 hours for 5 days for 1 month. Gonna request.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Humans are always unsatisfied, or rather most Singaporean are. Me myself is one of the example. I can be really happy about this yet I'm still upset about something else. Constantly worrying. Take work for example. It really sucks. Getting paid 6/hr is not that bad but the thing is, it's flat rate. Even during the public holidays, there isn't any double pay. Yet they put it so big on the postal that weekend and public holiday is 10/hr. I mean, WHAT THE POINT IF YOU PUT IT THERE AND YOU DON'T FOLLOW ? Right? I was counting my working hours for a week. First week 37 hours. Second week 27 hours. Coming this week 29 hours. I mean what?! It's getting lesser. What's more this Wednesday and Thursday, it's 3 hours and 4 hours respectively. 3 and 4 hours! What? The hell is wrong with the manager planning this type of timing. If 3-4 hours working then what's the point of us working right? Argh. But it's fine. Once Azmirah turn 16, I'm going to go find a better job with her and huiyun. 6/hr flat rate is sucky. I swear.
Friday, October 26, 2012
I am very self conscious about how I look on the outside recently. What I wear refers to how high my confidence is. I don't have those nice shirt to wear and my wardrobe is really boring. I can't wait to get my pay and go on shopping spree for clothes. Really really in need of clothes. Sometimes going out with friends and I wear really simple makes me feel so dumb and odd. There's so many things to buy but so little money to use. Got to buy myself a MacBook Pro too. I think I will roughly spend 300 on clothes. Now. I'm having second thoughts of going for SMTown. I got so many things to get and I got so little money. Plus my pay isn't half monthly. It's one month one time. :( need to wait till next month end to get my pay. Annoying ! :( I need someone to hug me now. Haiz.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Missing u.
Sometimes I wonder when I miss you so much, are you missing me that much too? But the chances are low. I guess. Was cleaning my cupboard and I found letters that we wrote to each other. I kept one that you wrote and read it over again. Can't believe I'm not bitchy but whatever. You wrote " The flowing tears means that you loved. Even if you try to erase it won't be. When you miss the person, call out his name. When you feel lonely, close your eyes and see who is there. When you want to hug him, when your heart aches for him. Let the tears flow just like how you have loved him" it's been months.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Halloween is coming soon, don't be scared to see the undeads walking around on the streets and suddenly start chasing you. I shall find the place to get the glue that the dance off people got to do make up on my face. I don't really know how to do make up but gonna try. But but but! I'm don't mind letting people do make up on my face. Went home from scape with my half zombified face and scaring people with Azmirah. We are just the 5% of people among those who did the make up. Wait till everyone comes out from the place and get scared~ and, yes, once again sorry for not blogging for very long. Was too tired after work recently. Work is not bad with good people working with us but, there isn't double pay on public holidays and shit not. I guess it's just a waste of time. Well, on the brighter side, I can spend my public holiday at home sleeping. While I work, I shall find a job that pay higher than 6/hour. I really hope I can get into direct poly man, though its kinda hard but gonna hope and wish upon the stars. Here's a photo of us being zombified.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Fashion shopping.
I'm back, blogging after a long day out with Sky( not myself ) , my friend who is amazing! Anyhow, went EYE shopping with him today. Didn't buy anything but just looked at clothes and sort. I think after I get my pay, I wouldn't mind going out with him to change my fashion ya know. Gonna try new shirt and pants rather than my boring wardrobe with less than 10 sets I can wear. I need a make over. Today is my first time meeting him after like 2 years plus? He is black, yes, don't be racist alright, he is bisexual, please don't judge. He is my friend. :) I need a shoe, new top and pants. A different hairstyle. Alright. I'm gonna do that! Working tomorrow, gonna sleep now! Goody nighty everybodeh.
Monday, October 15, 2012
As my title of this blog post states it. Nobody wants to get disappointed but well. It happened to me today. Everything was planned and I'm super excited but plans was changed, was altered. Tell me, when a plan is made and you're excited suddenly plans are changed. Aren't you gonna be pissed off? Nevermind that. I will think twice before getting excited. Anyway, met up with my ex pizzahut workmates. Lina Ella and cathy. Miss them lots. Lina asked me to ask vanni Amira and guohao asked but none turned up. Either busy with their own stuff or working. Enjoyed the day, had free pizzahut, free movie. What's so bad about today anyway. I thought it would be a bad start to the week but nah, thanks to Lina and friends! I believe this week is gonna awesome. Work and work and work. Go go!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sometimes, I wonder what's going through my brain. Sometimes, I wonder am I being too sensitive to some people and too insensitive to certain people. Sometimes, I wish that people can weight the same in my heart but no, they all weight differently. Azmirah's sister asked me this," after you guys(me, huiyun, Azmirah) go to ITE will you guys still be best friends like now? Because you guys have new friends. " my reply was simple. Yes. No matter what I'm still going to make time to meet my two best friend. I can see hui Yun when I work. I can meet Azmirah for kpop dance off. Yes, if you are thinking whether three of us are just purely best friends. I can safely say, yes we are purely best friend. Though there was some affection last time but now, it's just best friends. I'm totally fine when people call me gay and sort. I will only think that they aren't grown up yet, still in their tiny world of judgement, they will only judge people and comment on them. Never think about how horrible they themselves are. Nevertheless, people who are able to accept people who are gay, les, bi or trans are awesome. One day, our society will not be so judgemental
Friday, October 12, 2012
Hello everybody! Sorry for not blogging recently. My computer broke down and I can't on it anymore. But I found an iPhone app which enable me to blog through my iPhone. Recently a lot things had been happening and I haven't have a good night sleep till last night. My sister got herself into trouble with some other immature girls. They are just sec1 and sec2, so their mindset is still very very immature, when they grow up, they will realise what they do are really funny. Like what happened to me during sec 1 and sec 2. Now that I found my best friends. I can ignore the world and concentrate on my best friends. I don't have care what other people say, I don't have to be scared of how I'm being judged . Because what you see is what you get, it's either you stick with me or you just get lost. Two simple choice to make,stay or leave. Once again, I need to apologise for not updating my blog recently. I will try my best to update it more. I'm starting on Tuesday at ThaiEpress, Northpoint. Monday, I'm going for a date with Leonard. XD can't wait.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Just in case you havent seen me in my new colour, its officially brown, not very brown but its still visible to the camera. Now, i got a new hair colour i shall learn to put things down and move on. Even my MasterShiFuBabyPigLeonardLimEnWei told me, "Once you're into the new world. You must remember, endurance is the key to everything." I like to imagine him saying this in a deep voice, like master ShiFu. Anyway, Endurance + Patience is the key to life and almost everything. Wonderful things are meant for us to wait. Sooner or later it will come to us. Now, after N level, its already almost a new life. Spent 4 years preparing for the last paper of N level to end. Now, the main objective is still finding a job and work and earn some money. Im waiting for the day where i can meet my babypig. He's a busy man but luckily im meeting him the week after next. CANT WAIT.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
UP AND AH AH. UP AND AH AH. Left with 3 papers before i can totally be free and dye my hair and find a job. Can't wait for N level to end. If you realise, i just changed my blogskin. Got tired of the previous one so i changed a new blogskin, its really amazing that i slides and i add on one more feature where you, READERS, can have your say on my Chatbox. So feel free to have your say! would like to hear from you people. heh, Anyway, i was bloghopping ( a term used to say that i go to other blogger's blog and read their post) and i came across this blog, Blogfathers.sg . This father talks about gay people. I really respect him and how i wish i got parents like them. Accepting gay people who they are, even though they are gay they still love them as who they are and not stereotype them. LOTS OF RESPECT TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO ACCEPT GAY PEOPLE. After all, gay people are still humans. Cheers. May the LGBT in Singapore continue to grow. This is the post (click). ANNYEONGS.
Monday, October 1, 2012
I'm telling you.
We are never ever ever ever getting back together. Just experience a really really scare heart drop caused by Leonard. Anyway, i hope i did well for Science, wasnt really concentrating on the paper today. During Physics paper, i was thinking about Working at Uniqlo and stuff like that. After that during chemistry i was thinking about genting trip and SMTown concert and some relationship stuff. I realise that when two people know each other too well, its hard to get together. Knowing each other too well it will end up having more fights and stuff, i prefer going step by step knowing each other bit by bit and move on from there. Whatever it is, feelings still come first. no feeling no talk. Going to study maths in a while more, CANNOT FAIL MATHS. NEVER.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
4 years passed like blinking of an eye. From a small boy that came from ADMPS to Riverside, although there are some regret of coming to this school but with my classmate, i feel that its worth it, although we do have conflict between each other but the bond between us still remains strong. Sec 1, came into riverside feeling fat and ugly, meeting all sort of weird people in class that have different opinions, people of all different background with a common goal to move on and finish secondary education. I met this Girl named VanniTan, yes, she is the worst person i ever known in Sec1, being called "gay" all along through out half the year in sec1. Yes, i am soft. i come from a family with more girls than boys, what do you expect? However, when time pass, from a enemy it changed into friends and bestfriends. Sec2, sitting with Azyzah, Izwan and Vanni and we named ourselves. ADIV. The legend, we laughed at everything and literally made a joke out of everything and laughed the loudest in class. Azyzah was my best partner, i can bitch about her all day long, Remember, the fight we had was one of the silliest, She felt offended when i called her a Bitch. It was funny and it pass and moved on, i moved and sat with Eliyana, She is shy, too shy but she is very very friendly and funny, Remember her asking to read Horoscope everyday in school. End of Sec2, got into class 3/2. Went to get my long pants, the moment when i was trying out my long pants, i felt that i have grown up, i got to learn how to behave like a grown up boy. there comes 2011 where i met all my new classmate from class 3/2 it wasnt the good class in NA stream but it was awesome. Sitting at the back of the class waiting for Mr Lee to pair us up, Must be different gender and different sec 2 class. Sec 3 was my best year in Secondary school. sat with Atikah, she is the best partner you can ever get, She is multi purpose partner, She was the first girl to know that i wasnt exactly straight and she hear my problems and helped me out, She turned in my human pillow after sometime and i lie onto her. On thursday she will bring food to share with me and i bring Nuggets from home to share with her. On 090611, i got attached with GuoHao, i told her about it and she told me that she got attached with her bf on 070611, moving on with the later part of the year where she start to skip school, i am well-known for nagging at her for not coming to school, not doing POA, not doing maths. But, all these nagging didnt helped her , she moved on to Sec 4 NT on 2012, this year. Yes, i miss her company but now im sitting with Venitha, she is not that awesome but at least she helped me in my education and give me advise when i want to do something. Although she dont support Gay Rights but she still listens to my problem. This year was the stressful year where all the stress comes in, N level. At first it was a few hundred days to N levels now, its just 2 more days. Tmr is the day where i have to bid good bye to 4/2. There are conflict between us but after all, we are still a class. Lastly, i would like to mention two person, Azmirah and Huiyun. They are like my best friend, after 4 years, i realise the meaning of best friend. Azmirah was always there and never fought once, not in the entire 4 years, She supports GayRights and she listen to my troubles and advice me, She saw me Cry, Laugh, Smile, Shout, Hyper, Dance, Run. I hope, we will never lost each other's company even after we moved to ITE/Sec5. As for Huiyun, i only got to know her during sec4, i dont rmb how but somehow she listens to me. she dont really give me advice but she is always there. Although she dont come to school recently and im annoyed by that but, she is still nice. Secondary 4 's life is coming to an end, Jiayou, 4/2.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Perry the platypus
Perry the Platypus, the cutest animal i ever seen. If you got no idea what is this weird animal, its called a platypus. His name is Perry, This is a cartoon in a cartoon series on Disney Channel. I like the way platypus does not do a lot. ANYWAY, notice the color of this platypus. This color just remind me of my class VICE CHAIRMAN, need i bold it? okay, yes, VICE CHAIRMAN so, when you see this what do you think of the person, yesyes? Uphold good standard of respect and responsibility however, my class's vice chairman is none of those. Just this day, where he suddenly came to school with a new specs. the color of the fame is the color of this platypus. Worst of all, he quarrel with teachers. Wow, yeah. how nice. Whatever it is, just leave him to be, and talk about something else. N level just next week. Cant wait to finish the papers and go and work. Need a lot of Money. Need to buy quite a number of things and travel to Genting for a number of times, with different people. Heh. This year travel a lot.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Bubble pop.
Am beat. Gonna sleep once i post this post and bath. Slept till 2 today, reason being, i was tonning the night outside with HuiYun, From 1 am plus till 7.50am. It was awesome. Although we practically spent most of our time at Woodlands Waterfront talking and pretty much lying on the floor looking at the sky. She is probably the first girl that i ton till sunrise. but the moment i reach home and look into the mirror and see my dark circles, i am so freaked out, its so black like i punched or something. Thank god i got some sort of " mask" thingy to apply later when i go to bed, gonna wear that mask till i wake up. Its kinda effective though. i just brought like 100 of it for 5 dollars on Gmarket, not bad actually. Was actually thinking to myself whether i should continue dancing or just stop where i am, i am not doing very well. Sometimes i just feel like giving up. How i wish i got a group or something that we can practice somewhere but nah, seems like its hard. Gonna work once N level end. Gonna be some kind of hardcore worker. Need to earn quite alot for myself to spend. Plus on 31st Dec gonna go Shopping with HuiYun and Azmirah in Town area, gonna bring money and go for dinner and count down together. Cant wait. 5 more school days to N level. Im starting to feel really not safe because of me POA. i am afraid i cant do the paper, i dont feel confident enough. Haiz.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Dance Off.
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Took from Facebook. SPOT ME. |
Today's dance off is the first dance off that is super boring. The playlist is weird, top 20 and the rest becomes voting on the spot. I mean, its so boring when they skip the songs others wants to dance. I rather have the DanceOff standard that melvin used to do it and not this. Its totally boring, was so bored and Bryan smsed me and pissed me off further. I wasnt staring at Jeremy and he claim that i was. i was staring at someone else. Yes i did stare at Jeremy the last dance off but this time i didnt, i lost the interest in him dancing so i changed target and partly because his Girlfriend looks as if she is going to kill me. Its scary alright. Well Jeremy and Bryan can be spotted in the photo above. Jeremy, the guy at the most Right, wearing black top. Bryan, the guy standing behind the girl that is bending all the way down, (no idea why). Jeremy leaving for America at the end of Oct so maybe i shall go meet him and have dinner together and watch a movie after my N levels. Provided his Girlfriend allow. His girlfriend like worry that i will take Jeremy away from her like that. JOKE.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Yes, i have decided to go for a piercing. NOT TO MY TONGUE, but ear. First hole. I know, after 16 years. My mum dont allow me to get a piercing but im gonna get one anyway, i am not trying to be bad kid or whatever. I wanna experience how it feels like to have piercing, i often see girls putting on earrings and those nice ones like, Letters, Peace,Stars. It look so amazing. Although mum will be angry about it but ya know, she's gonna accept it overtime and eventually tell me to get a nicer earring. thats how my mum work. As long as, i dont pierce my tongue or any where else, she's okay, i guess. My dad used to have piercing too and im so gonna get one. Maybe going to pierce with Shawn since i told him not to pierce until i pierce with him. MUAWHAHAHAH. He is feeling so excited for it but, i say only after N level then pierce and he feel a big disappointed but still, he gets to pierce. Im acting like his papa. People call me gangster after i say i want pierce. This Jerron asking me to pierce two. Insanely crazy. One is enough until i feel that i can go for another one. Ohwell. See how it goes.
WishList on 20/09/12
My first WishList made public. Here goes.
1) A SpeedBike.
3)A MacBook
4) A S3
5) My own room.
6) A piercing on my Left ear.
7) A Tattoo on my left wrist. "Peace"
8) My own room.
9) Travel with Friends to overseas country.
10) Make a girl feel really secured with me.
11) Make a guy feel really secured with me.
12) Kiss a girl.
14) Sistar to come to Singapore.
15) Have my very own DanceGroup
16) Join Teenage KPop Dance Battle 2013.
17) Decorate my own room.
18) Save up till 2000 dollars in my bank.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Xiaxue is pregnant
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Credits goes to Xiaxue, xiaxue.blogspot.sg. |
Monday, September 17, 2012
When we first talked to each other
I knew we would always be friends.
Our friendship has kept on growing
And I'll be here for you to the end.
You listen when I have a problem
And help dry the tears from my face.
You take away my sorrow
And put happiness in its place.
We can't forget the fun we've had
Laughing 'til our faces turn blue.
Talking of things only we find funny
People think we're insane-If they only knew!
I guess this is my way of saying thanks
For catching me when I fall.
Thanks once again for being such a good friend
And being here with me through it all.
Good friends are hard to come by and hard to find. Once you find them, you ought to take care of them, be there for them and most importantly never betray the trust they had for you.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Its was your love that taught me how to love.
Hello everybody, pardon me for my ugly photo. No choice, at that time i wasnt feeling very well and exbf left his jacket with me so i wore it. At that time we were having some quarrels. 3 months 5 days, since we last say " Baby, i love you. " Yes, im still stuck at the moment while you had moved on. Was reading your tweet just a moment ago and i realize a fact that hit me so hard. What we had for the past 1 year, was nothing but just you enduring with my attitude. I wanted you back but now it seems like theres no point in doing so. You got more friends than you used to have and having me was just what i called extra. Just now, was at Christopher's house. He lay on my tummy, for a moment, it reminded me of you lying on me. I nearly burst into tears but i knew he wasnt you. You said you didnt change, its life which changed. You said to let fate choose our doors to go to. I read the notes you typed in my phone, You said you will be there for me everytime i need you, forever. Forever never exist. Now i just need a simple hug from you. If you want fate to change our destiny, then i shall change fate.
Hello everybody, pardon me for my ugly photo. No choice, at that time i wasnt feeling very well and exbf left his jacket with me so i wore it. At that time we were having some quarrels. 3 months 5 days, since we last say " Baby, i love you. " Yes, im still stuck at the moment while you had moved on. Was reading your tweet just a moment ago and i realize a fact that hit me so hard. What we had for the past 1 year, was nothing but just you enduring with my attitude. I wanted you back but now it seems like theres no point in doing so. You got more friends than you used to have and having me was just what i called extra. Just now, was at Christopher's house. He lay on my tummy, for a moment, it reminded me of you lying on me. I nearly burst into tears but i knew he wasnt you. You said you didnt change, its life which changed. You said to let fate choose our doors to go to. I read the notes you typed in my phone, You said you will be there for me everytime i need you, forever. Forever never exist. Now i just need a simple hug from you. If you want fate to change our destiny, then i shall change fate.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Bad day.
I had bad days too, its just that i dont show it. However when i dont show that i got a bad day it does not mean that i dont have a bad day. Sometimes i just need a listening ear that i used to have. I need someone who can tell me what to do, how to solve my problems and most importantly listens to me nag and nag about my day. People tell me to not think about those issues at this time of the year because my N levels are just 3 weeks from now. i tried, its not that i didnt try to not think about it. 3 weeks 3 weeks.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Dog lovers.
Friday, September 7, 2012
“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
One day without dancing is like wasting one day of your life. No matter what, Listen to a piece of music and dance. Dance like you're the star and you shine on stage, all the audience can do nothing but to envy your wonderful moves, moves like jagger. Sometimes even if you're not the best dancer, when you try your best, All efforts placed in, everyone will still see you as one good dancer because of the effort. Love, Before loving someone, Love yourself. You may had been hurt before but let you fall in love again because you can. Sing, sing at the top of your voice, do it like you never did before, Let everyone hear you. Everyone in this world. Live, Dont live for someone else, live for yourself. You live to experience how life is like. Not everyone can feel life full of gold and love. Just live simple yet a meaningful one. I can't live a day without dancing, without loving ,without singing and obviously without living. Everyday can be meaningful, we just got to look deep inside. Even someone who had a bad day, at certain part of the day, he can be smiling. Just because he think too negatively about that day so he is too involved in thinking about how bad his day is. Just like today. Although she decided not to join me tmr and go to msia , heart sink a bit but when i see that 3 words. THAT 3 WORD. i dont know how do i react. I stoned. I stun. I got happy? Even though its in a friendship way of that WORD, i know i am still special in her heart. Somehow. 10 zeros behind a 1. I dont know how to explain how i feel. Maybe a feeling of extreme happiness? Maybe a feeling of extreme Love?
― Friedrich Nietzsche
One day without dancing is like wasting one day of your life. No matter what, Listen to a piece of music and dance. Dance like you're the star and you shine on stage, all the audience can do nothing but to envy your wonderful moves, moves like jagger. Sometimes even if you're not the best dancer, when you try your best, All efforts placed in, everyone will still see you as one good dancer because of the effort. Love, Before loving someone, Love yourself. You may had been hurt before but let you fall in love again because you can. Sing, sing at the top of your voice, do it like you never did before, Let everyone hear you. Everyone in this world. Live, Dont live for someone else, live for yourself. You live to experience how life is like. Not everyone can feel life full of gold and love. Just live simple yet a meaningful one. I can't live a day without dancing, without loving ,without singing and obviously without living. Everyday can be meaningful, we just got to look deep inside. Even someone who had a bad day, at certain part of the day, he can be smiling. Just because he think too negatively about that day so he is too involved in thinking about how bad his day is. Just like today. Although she decided not to join me tmr and go to msia , heart sink a bit but when i see that 3 words. THAT 3 WORD. i dont know how do i react. I stoned. I stun. I got happy? Even though its in a friendship way of that WORD, i know i am still special in her heart. Somehow. 10 zeros behind a 1. I dont know how to explain how i feel. Maybe a feeling of extreme happiness? Maybe a feeling of extreme Love?
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Dear boy.
Hey dear Leonard, I would like to let you have this post. We're not together, not yet. But we are already quarreling a lot, i gave you a lot heartbreak in these few days, i am truely sorry. You gave me your care and concern, i really appreciate it. Thank you, thank you very much. But im just sad to say, i am not your guy. I need someone who has the time for me, i need someone who can be there for me whenever i needed someone. Sometimes, when i needed someone, i dont know who to turn up to. Im glad that you loved me. If we can be quarreling so much even before we are in relationship, i couldnt imagine how ugly it would turn out if we are together. You just came back to my life apologising and say you love me, i believed you. i really do. You say you miss him, its a good thing, you should concentrate with one and go for him, wait for him. You can be waiting all time for the one to come for you, you got to go for it. I dont deserve your care and concern and even, time. Its partly because i will hurt you over and over again, you wont be able to restand me. All you get is disappointment after disappointment, heartbreaks after heartbreaks. But im sure you will get someone who love you just as much as you love him. Jiayou. You can ignore me now, i can understand if you were to ignore me. Chase me out of your life like how you did before. -hug- Jiayou waiting for your guy. Sometimes, you got to see the wrong guy to get the right one for you.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sometimes, in some quarrels you got to give in. Others, you got to fight for whats right. But recently, People who wants to quarrel then so be it. I dont mind, i want it to be quick and easy, we argue a bit if it cant be solved within 1 hour then i will let you be, you can go ahead and talk about me behind my back about how bitchy i am, how stupid i am. Whatever it is 'cause after all, we're just left with 3 weeks together and we will not see each other till the release of the N level results. It depends on how you want to end this 3 more weeks, you want to end it by quarreling then so be it. Whatever it is, im leaving you guys with that.
Decided to go get my hair reborn-ed after N levels, Looking at my photos when i was sec2, i look not bad with straight and long hair, gonna try to get back the same style. Gonna see if i can reborn my whole head i guess i will look weird but fuck it, I wanna dye and do treatment too. I wanna dye obvious brown, after treatment, my hair should be very soft~ hehe. gonna seeeeeeeeee how it goesss. buaiii
Decided to go get my hair reborn-ed after N levels, Looking at my photos when i was sec2, i look not bad with straight and long hair, gonna try to get back the same style. Gonna see if i can reborn my whole head i guess i will look weird but fuck it, I wanna dye and do treatment too. I wanna dye obvious brown, after treatment, my hair should be very soft~ hehe. gonna seeeeeeeeee how it goesss. buaiii
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Social studies.
INTRODUCING MY SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOK! -claps- Exactly one week from today, i will be taking my Social studies paper and have finish my Chinese. After sep holiday, there wont be Chinese, English and Social Studies period which means the other periods will be spent on Maths, Science, POA and geo. To everyone taking N levels next week must jiayouuuuuuu~ Today's post very short cause i very sleepy. Till now~ goodie byee~
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Beautiful night.
This was my family back in 2007. Now, i have become much taller and slimer almost same height as my dad. both my sister have grow taller. the one next to me became more bitchy and somehow prettier. the other one became fatter and fatter, not as girly anymore. Mum, became prettier because she is more self conscious now. Dad, not much of differences. So many years have past everyone had changed, cant wait for the next few more years to see 2017, 10 years later, what is the differences. We are going to go back to the same place, the same style and take a photo to compare. It would be really amazing.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Letting go.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Hey you over there! Yes you, How are you today? Doing great? Did you smile today, if no. Why not? Find something that will make you smile. Everyone's smile is just perfectly beautiful. So give it a try, find something to smile about. If its a sms you're waiting for, why dont you take the first step to send that sms perhaps he/she is waiting for your sms. Move your fingers. Look at patrick star. Constantly smiling, life is nothing if you cant smile.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Hello. Do you still remember me? The guy that made the effort to know you. Anyway, Today went out with Shawn, he is one cute guy i got to say. Went to cineleisure to watch Batman, it was boring. Very boring because Batman only come out to attack at the back. Even though at the start he did appear but he was defeated. This show kinda spoil how kids think about batman. But ohwell. Gave Shawn one of my glowing band but he said that its not working, it should be working de cause mine is working perfectly maybe his house not dark enough. Sent him home after that and went to take 168 home, Sat at the same seat we used to sit hoping that you'll somehow appear but, nah.. you didnt. Got the urge to get down the bus at the stop i always stop and go to your house but it was too late. The way back to Woodlands feel very long and memories keep coming back in my brain. Memories are good. :) Allows me to grow from them. Love someone not because of the looks, it can be a lie. Love someone not because of wealth, it will be all gone. Love some because he/she is able to put a smile on your face and eventually hold your hand and walk out of the dark.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Beautiful memories.
What are memories if the person you love is no longer here next to you? Memories are memory that i keep deep inside my heart,even though i may not have those photos with me but deep inside me i will still remember everything we have done together and eventually still miss you even though i say i wont. In the video, The two guys got such a awesome time and memories together. The mum object one of them to be gay and result to him committing suicide but they still keep their beautiful memories together. It hurts sometimes to see your love one leaving you. Sometimes, i come home from school looking at my bed and i start to imagine you lying on my bed using your phone, it just unknowingly put a smile on my face. Looking at the photos we took, its memories we painted together. All i know that we arent together anymore but our memories will still live inside us. You're my first guy who i love the most, you are the cutest and my best. Thank you for giving me beautiful memories to always think about and cry about.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Understanding? not.
They say guys need to be patient with girls. Sometimes i agree to it but sometimes, they are just ridiculous. They say how left out they feel in school and yet they say they have many more awesome friends outside. I dont like it when people think that they are everything and expect people to think that way too, I mean not that i understand you but i dont exactly understand you, sometimes trying too hard will end up falling too hard onto the ground level. Sometimes, its not that we are not trying. We are trying but are you willing to let us understand you? I understand that you dislike losing to guys, you want to be better than guys. Yes, you can be better than guys. You cant always expect people to understand you, what about you trying to understand me? Do you exactly know what i expect of you and what exactly i want? You say whats the use of studies when girls are meant to be at home taking care of the children. Its not only me that think this way, You say no one cares if you dont appear in school. Azmirah, Vanni, Fatin, Nana, Azyzah, Zakiyah, Venitha etc, always ask me why didnt you turn up in school, there's once Fatin asked me why didnt you turn up in school, i replied, i dont know, i dont understand her and i dont get why she dont come to school. She replied, i dont understand too, she likes to keep things to herself. Sorry if this seems offensive to you, HuiYun but its the fact. You got to work so you got money to spend and you spend on your own money, Yes, i know. When you're tired you just switch off to the world and go into alone state. We are trying to understand you but are you allowing us to do so? Even cycling, you want to be ahead of me, yes, i let you be even though i can be faster knowing that you hate losing to guys. Whenever im with you, i will always remind myself to let you be ahead so you wont feel left out or bad about yourself. Out of the sudden you say i was trying to act as if i know you, What about all the effort i made to try to understand you? Its all, gone. Now that we got nothing to talk about, we're nothing but just classmate and strangers. Its back to 0 point. Yes, its my fault that i assume that you're calling me two faced, but i am over it. I am just not happy that you dont see the effort i made to understand you and end up being called as acting to understand you. You can ask me what i understand about you, i cant answer cause its all feelings that cant be expressed in words. What if i ask you what do you understand about me? I guess.. its nothing.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
How do i keep a rainbow, how do i hug a summer of wind? The stars in the sky laugh at people on the ground. I could never understand, i could never be satisfied. If i fall in love with your smile, how do i collect it, how do i keep it? If your happiness is not for me, will letting you go actually mean having you? When the wind blows the kite flies to the sky, i will pray for you and bless you and be touched because of you. When you finally disappear in the cloud, i discover smiling while crying hurts the most, That day, you and i, on that hill, We were singing that song from that year, that kind of memory i need. Enough for me to taste the loneliness everyday. When the wind blows the kite flies to the sky, i will pray for you and bless you and be touched because of you. When you finally disappear in the cloud, i discover smiling while crying hurts the most, If i fall in love with your smile, how do i collect it, how do i keep it? If your happiness is not for me, will letting you go actually mean having you?. Contentment lets me withstand heartbreak..
Monday, August 13, 2012
Whats pain? Really. Back here posting and got lots to talk about. Results, i did very badly for my POA. scored 35/100 how pathetic. Passed maths, scoring 60/100. Finally after 4 years, i finally passed maths. English i got around 60 plus for overall i guess. Still not too bad. Physics, just pass 25.5/50. Cant wait to get the rest of my papers back, i hope i do well for Social studies. 3 more weeks to N levels, Jiayou everybodehhhh. Now trying to aim to score 19 and below seem very tough, need to work super hard.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Tiring max
Blogging while I'm in the train to Chinese garden for a swim with Javius. Very long since I last went there for a swim. The swimming complex was closed for months for renovation, and the last time was with GuoHao. Gonna get tan myself, I'm turning into a white chicken already which I don't want. :3 didn't sleep for long this morning. Reached home at 5am, really tired but worth it. Spent it with huiyun and three of her friends. From my house to woodlands Mart to woodlands waterfront then marsiling then waterfront then yishun then admiralty then sembawang then home. Tiring bodoh! But still very fun! Never go cycling for a few hours straight and go to such far places. I think I sure slim quite a bit. Like 2kg? Perhaps. Getting back our prelim paper tmr, I hope I get at least a pass for Maths and PoA. HWAITING. !
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