Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Sometimes, in some quarrels you got to give in. Others, you got to fight for whats right. But recently, People who wants to quarrel then so be it. I dont mind, i want it to be quick and easy, we argue a bit if it cant be solved within 1 hour then i will let you be, you can go ahead and talk about me behind my back about how bitchy i am, how stupid i am.  Whatever it is 'cause after all, we're just left with 3 weeks together and we will not see each other till the release of the N level results. It depends on how you want to end this 3 more weeks, you want to end it by quarreling then so be it. Whatever it is, im leaving you guys with that.

Decided to go get my hair reborn-ed after N levels, Looking at my photos when i was sec2, i look not bad with straight and long hair, gonna try to get back the same style. Gonna see if i can reborn my whole head  i guess i will look weird but fuck it, I wanna dye and do treatment too. I wanna dye obvious brown, after treatment, my hair should be very soft~ hehe. gonna seeeeeeeeee how it goesss. buaiii

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