Friday, August 17, 2012

Understanding? not.

They say guys need to be patient with girls. Sometimes i agree to it but sometimes, they are just ridiculous. They say how left out they feel in school and yet they say they have many more awesome friends outside. I dont like it when people think that they are everything and expect people to think that way too, I mean not that i understand you but i dont exactly understand you, sometimes trying too hard will end up falling too hard  onto the ground level.  Sometimes, its not that we are not trying. We are trying but are you willing to let us understand you? I understand that you dislike losing to guys, you want to be better than guys. Yes, you can be better than guys. You cant always expect people to understand you, what about you trying to understand me? Do you exactly know what i expect of you and what exactly i want? You say whats the use of studies when girls are meant to be at home taking care of the children. Its not only me that think this way, You say no one cares if you dont appear in school. Azmirah, Vanni, Fatin, Nana, Azyzah, Zakiyah, Venitha etc, always ask me why didnt you turn up in school, there's once Fatin asked me why didnt you turn up in school, i replied, i dont know, i dont understand her and i dont get why she dont come to school. She replied, i dont understand too, she likes to keep things to herself. Sorry if this seems offensive to you, HuiYun but its the fact. You got to work so you got money to spend and you spend on your own money, Yes, i know. When you're tired you just switch off to the world and go into alone state. We are trying to understand you but are you allowing us to do so? Even cycling, you want to be ahead of me, yes, i let you be even though i can be faster knowing that you hate losing to guys. Whenever im with you, i will always remind myself to let you be ahead so you wont feel left out or bad about yourself. Out of the sudden you say i was trying to act as if i know you, What about all the effort i made to try to understand you? Its all, gone. Now that we got nothing to talk about, we're nothing but just classmate and strangers. Its back to 0 point. Yes, its my fault that i assume that you're calling me two faced, but i am over it. I am just not happy that you dont see the effort i made to understand you and end up being called as acting to understand you. You can ask me what i understand about you, i cant answer cause its all feelings that cant be expressed in words. What if i ask you what do you understand about me? I guess.. its nothing.

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