Saturday, June 7, 2014

17 Years

Hey guys, how's y'all day? Pretty good I suppose. If not, look at the bright side of life. Everything happens for a reason, when one door closes ; another opens. So stay cheerful! If it's really that bad that you can't think of happy thoughts. THIS IS FOR YALL. 
Pretty good isn't it? 
Right! Talking about my day for yesterday (6/6/14) and today (7/6/14). Yesterday! Went to school feeling like Monday due to the long break I had before Friday. Everybody in class is being all moody and draggy. Had to plan for my schedule for June so I got the chance to discuss the meeting dates with them so that I can book out those dates just in case there's event clashing on the same date. At first, I thought Friday will be boring and dry but it got better the moment I left class. 10 mins after I left class, I receive a call from a Uniqlo. I was guessing that there are certain information in the application form that is unclear and they cannot understand. I gave them my details and towards the end of the call, they said. "Can you come on down on Thursday before 6 to sign the appointment letter?" I got a shock and didn't know what to reply them but I just said Yes. I'm starting work on Friday so I'm just gonna be like sotong there again. As usual, the first day of work and I am the blur one there. After the call, I made my way down to find my boy. He cooked pasta for me ! Even though it's watery but it taste so damn good. I keep assuring him that it's good, but it seems like he don't believe. Maybe it's the love and sincerity that he use to cook that makes everything taste so good. How can I not fall deeper everyday. I later surprise him with a hidden note which is hidden under his pillow. Him being him, curious like a cat went to start hunting. He's so cute, I cannot maintain. Hahahah! I'm glad he love the surprise I have him. He followed me to get my pay from esplanade and saw my annoyed face. I am pretty annoyed when I make the effort all the way down there to get my pay and I end up with nothing. Horrible! Can't wait to just quit but I can't. I'm a pretty regular staff there so it's pretty hard for me to just quit. After that I sent him to work before heading home. I took his wire and I totally forgot till I was in the train towards marina bay for a bounce back. I made my way all the way back to uniqlo to pass it back to him. See the things I do for someone I love. Hahahah! I end my day staying at home. Today! Had my second lesson of driving at 8:15am. I've learnt the second gear and I have to admit I love it. It's superb. My legs got tired after that though. After driving went to meet XinNi to get some stuff to prepare for idah's present. Some handmade bracelet. 

It's pretty , ain't it? I love it. Also met up with Christopher and had a long lunch. Went to find my boy after lunch for a while, he's so handsome when he's focus. (Boy in love). Me and Christopher went to Chinatown to look for feathers to make my dream catcher  but we ended up with nothing. Pretty sad. We sat down at Starbucks and do some charm stuff and drink a cup of coffee. It's been so long since I had Starbucks, miss it already. Went to yishun to get my PinkDot shirt from Hiddy! It's pretty!  Love it. Pinkdot in 2 weeks! And I'm watching the Pinkdot video on YouTube. A couple. 17 years. I am amazed and that prove, gay people can be as lasting straight couples. 
Boy, let's fight for this relationship. We can do it together! Love you! <3 
With all these, good night guys! 

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